
Image result for enterprise locations
Enterprise is an American rent-a-car corporation that services individuals with a car if they are in need. Enterprise is known for when it comes to renting a car whether it is for vacation, work, traveling or even as an unfortunate accident. 

Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a family owned business and was established in St. Louis, Missouri in 1957. Enterprise is the largest transportation solutions, provider. Offering car and truck rentals, as well as car sharing and car sales. Currently located in over 85 countries with more than 7,600 locations and produces over 24 billion dollars in the 2018 fiscal year. Because of their size, they are in a unique position to foster innovation, advance research, and test market-driven solutions. We are focusing on the Bordentown, New Jersey branch.

Purpose:  The primary purpose is to analyze the specific processes of lean systems, inventory management, and operations strategies to give insight into a few of Enterprises practices. Based on our research we will give recommendations to have a more efficient process of ordering rental vehicles, to update the online system for booking and order enough vehicles on the lot to equal the demand. 

Image result for enterprise rent a car                                             
   “Take care of your customers and employees first, and the profits will follow.” 

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